First aid is the provision of initial care for an injury or illness. The three key aims of first aid are to (1) preserve life, (2) prevent the condition from worsening and (3) promote recovery. All skills performed in an emergency should be within the scope of one’s training. Maintain skills and knowledge proficiency by reading current literature and participating in supervised practice sessions. Talk to your instructor for options.
Reading this course material without instruction and practice will not make someone competent to use oxygen in a diving emergency.
A current certification in full cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a prerequisite for this program. Certification is accepted from any recognized organization. If you are not yet certified in CPR, please talk with your instructor about becoming CPR certified before starting this course. There is no minimum age requirement to participate in this course. Some countries, states and local municipalities may have minimum age stipulations for the use of emergency oxygen.
Scuba Certification
Scuba diving certification is not a course prerequisite. This course teaches scuba divers and interested nondivers how to provide emergency oxygen first aid to injured divers. Familiarity with diving equipment and diving terminology will make understanding the material easier. However, interested and informed nondivers should be able to master the material.
Emergency-response skills deteriorate with time. Retraining is required every two years to maintain Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries Provider certification, and regular practice is encouraged to retain proficiency. All skills performed in an emergency should be within the scope of one’s training.
Continuing Education
Continuing education is encouraged in the form of additional training courses, supervised practice sessions, reading current literature and refresher training. Your instructor can provide information about these programs.