Welcome & Introduction

Welcome and introduction

This training course contains the theoretical components of the European Certified Hyperbaric Chamber Operator (ECHCO) certification. It is a compilation of materials that are available on the internet, from various textbooks and other relevant sources. 

Not all of these sources are referenced specifically in this document. It has been drawn from many sources. The main aim, however, is to provide the necessary theoretical background for the safe operation of hyperbaric chambers and to ensure that appointed ECHCOs are knowledgeable about the hyperbaric conditions they work in and their responsibilities while operating a chamber.

The European Baromedical Association (EBAss) and the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) list the following responsibilities for the hyperbaric chamber operator:

· Operation of the internal and external devices of the Chamber;

· Control and operation of the mechanisms for compression and decompression, and for delivering gas mixtures and oxygen;

· Control and application of the safety regulations concerning prevention of fire, and oxygen toxicity;

· Calculation, application and control of compression and decompression schedules for all chamber occupants, applying decompression stops, when necessary;

· Being available for intervention inside the Chamber under pressure, in order to control or check the correct operation of determined parts of the circuits or devices;

· Adaptation and checking of the medical instruments carried by the patients before being introduced into the Chamber, in order to ensure their correct operation, and to avoid dangerous or undesirable effects;

· Control and checking of the operation of auxiliary facilities to the Chamber: air-compressors, sources of compressed air or medical gases, gas/air reserves, pneumatic circuits, control systems etc.;

· Maintenance of the facility: Small repair jobs or technical interventions due to problems which occasionally might occur, and which do not require the intervention of highly specialised technical staff;

· Safe handling of technical emergency situations;

· Checking the calibration of technical equipment relating to the hyperbaric facility;

· Steering, Controlling and documentation of the HBO Treatment according to prescribed procedure;

· Duties in emergency situations (locking in and out of personnel); and

· Adherence to national law of the appropriate member state. 

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