acute — rapid onset, brief and severe
alveoli — microscopic air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs with the circulatory system
anesthesia — general or local insensibility to pain and other sensation induced by certain interventions or drugs
arachnoid — the serous membrane forming the middle of the three coverings of the brain and spinal cord
arterial gas embolism (AGE) — gas bubbles in the arterial system generally caused by air passing through the walls of the alveoli into the bloodstream
asymmetry — disproportion between two or more like parts; lack of symmetry
audiovestibular — of or pertaining to the auditory functions of the inner ear and the vestibule of the ear
axons — a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that typically conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron cell body
barotrauma — physical damage to body tissues caused by a difference in pressure between an air space inside or beside the body and the surrounding fluid
cardiorespiratory — pertaining to the circulatory and respiratory systems
cerebral — of, relating to or affecting the brain or cerebrum
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) — sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain; also referred to as a stroke
cutaneous — of, relating to or affecting the skin
decompression illness (DCI) — dysbaric injuries related to scuba diving; DCI includes both decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism
decompression sickness (DCS) — a syndrome caused by bubbles of inert gas forming in the tissues and bloodstream that can evolve from too rapid an ascent from compressed gas diving
distal — situated away from the point of origin or attachment, as of a limb or bone; terminal
dorsal — relating to the back (posterior) part of the body
dura mater — the outermost of the three layers of the meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord
dysesthesia — distortion of any sense, especially the sense of touch
embolism — a detached intravascular mass clogging capillary beds at a site far from its origin
EMS — emergency medical services
epidural — a form of regional analgesia involving injection of drugs through a catheter placed into the epidural space
equilibrium — the condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced
facet — a small, smooth, flat surface, as on a bone or tooth
flexor — a muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body
ganglion — a biological tissue mass, most commonly a mass of nerve cell bodies
hemorrhagic — pertaining to bleeding or the abnormal flow of blood
interneurons — neurons that process signals from one or more sensory neurons and relay signals to motor neurons, also called connector neurons
intervertebral — situated between two contiguous vertebrae
ischemic — a decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels
lymphatic — pertaining to, containing or conveying lymph
meninges — the system of membranes that envelopes the central nervous system
motor nuclei — collection of cells in the central nervous system giving origin to a motor nerve
neurological — having to do with the nerves or the nervous system
paresthesia — a sensation of numbness or tingling on the skin
pia mater — the delicate innermost layer of the meninges, the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
pneumomediastinum — the presence of air in the mediastinal soft tissues
pneumothorax — a collapsed lung
postural — position of the body or body parts
proprioceptors — sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length and muscle tension
pulmonary — having to do with the lungs
quadriceps — a large muscle in front of the thigh, the action of which extends the leg or bends the hip joint
subcutaneous emphysema — the presence of air or gas in subcutaneous tissues
thrombotic — having to do with intravascular coagulation of the blood in any part of the circulatory system, as in the heart, arteries, veins or capillaries
transverse — crossing from side to side
trauma — a serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident
vasoconstriction — narrowing of a blood vessel
venous — of, relating to or contained in the veins
ventral — relating to the front (anterior) part of the body
ventral horns — the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes ventrally from the spinal cord and that consists of motor fibers
vertebra — the bones forming the spinal column
vertigo — a sensation of whirling motion, either of oneself or of external objects
— relating to the sense of equilibrium

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